Rogue Valley Mall Halloween
Southern Oregon's online guide for all things kid-friendly, teens, families and the community!
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2024 Rogue Valley Mall Halloween

  • Rogue Valley Mall 1600 North Riverside Avenue Medford, OR, 97501 United States (map)

Get ready for a spook-tacular time at Happy Mall-O-Ween! Join us on Oct 31st from 4-6 PM. Enjoy trick-or-treating, model trains, and a Halloween ballet performance! Happy Halloween! We invite you to enjoy Trick or treating with us this year!

Additionally, the are our events; Medford Garden Railroaders display of model trains, this Halloween themed train show display is sure to be fun for the whole family from October 28th until the 31st. Miss Diana's Ballet performance on Halloween starts at 5:00 pm. We will have face painting earlier on Halloween day from 12-4 pm., pub-5988673087718730, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0