Mother's Day Brunch at Wildlife Images
Reserve your seat for a delicious buffet-style brunch with your special mom, stepmom, nana, auntie, dog mom or friend for Mother’s Day at Wildlife Images. Enjoy a peaceful spring stroll through our center with stops along the way to visit with our beloved ambassadors.
ADULTS (13+): $55 | $49.50 MEMBERS | $46.75 FOUNDERS SOCIETY
Dear Creek Vineyards Mother's Day Concert
Celebrate Mom in the vineyard for Mother's Day weekend!
Join us for wine, charcuterie & live music to make the mother in your life feel extra special.
Live Music by the Rogue Valley's own, Dave Brendlinger, from 2pm - 4pm. Dave is a singer/songwriter & multi-instrumentalist, featuring melodies of folk & Americana.
You don't want to miss it!
FREE EVENT! Doors open at 1pm.
Rogue Valley Humane Society Mother's Day Tea
Traditional English high tea at the Bear Hotel on Saturday, May 11th from 2:00-4:00pm. There will be lovely tea, finger foods, and door prizes--all to celebrate the favorite lady in your life!
All proceeds benefit the animals of the Rogue Valley Humane Society. Tickets are available at our facility for $30 each; call 541-479-5154 for more information.
Josephine County All About Mama's Day Pop UP
Sweet Day of treating your mama or mama figures in your life. Family friendly, free lemonade and free smiles! All the vendors and more!
Rogue Valley Piecemakers Quilt Show
The Rogue Valley Piecemakers will present their 42nd Quilt Show on Friday and Saturday, May 10th and 11th, at the Josephine County Fairgrounds in Grants Pass in southern Oregon. “The Wild and Scenic Rogue” show will be a wonderful event to share with family and friends on Mother’s Day weekend. This show is always one of the premier events in Southern Oregon. You won’t want to miss it!
The amazing quilts on display will be the stars of the show and will again include beautiful bed, lap and children’s quilts, innovative art quilts, and many other fabric related items. You’ve got to come and see!
Benefiting the encouragement of the Native Cultural, Visual and Performing Arts