37th Annual Sutherlin Blackberry Festival and Car Show
The Sutherlin Blackberry Festival is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization. Every year we purchase a vehicle to raffle off. Those funds allow us to purchase the next years vehicle and to give away scholarships to local high school students in Sutherlin and Oakland, Oregon. We also have a new scholarship program providing students with scholarships to Trade Schools.
We are a drug and alcohol-free event for the whole family. We have a Poker Run, Car Show, Motorcycle Show, Pancake Breakfast, Blackberry & Chili Cook-offs, Church in the Park, BMX races, a Diaper Derby, a Cruise-in, a live Cruise downtown, and the Mud Races. We have Food & Craft Vendors plus a Swap Meet. On Sunday we raffle off the current years vehicle. Tickets are $5 each and sold throughout many local businesses in Sutherlin starting as early as April.