Ilias loves art. He is one of those kids that get in trouble in class for doodling when he should be finishing up his math lesson. He's in fifth grade now, so art is minimal in school and he itches to draw and create, so when I saw the Rogue Gallery's Art Class for kids, I jumped right on it and got him registered.
It was a six week course starting in October and going into November. Each week concentrated on a different type of media, which was awesome to see the kids use their imagination in different ways. The first class started as a free art day. They were given pencils and boards and were given free reign through the gallery to draw whatever they wanted. Ilias chose to replicate some of the mixed media art that he saw, creating the textures with pencil. Some of the kids drew what they saw outside, and some of them just drew from their imaginations. Ilias really enjoyed the freedom to wander the gallery like a VIP and draw his spin on what he saw.
The next week was the highlight of the course because they had a young lady from North Medford High School come in to teach them how to make a coiled clay monster pot to hold pencils in. The kids were taught the technique and then left to their own devices. Ilias created a pencil holder with a mouth and my nephew who was also in the class decided to not make a pot at all and molded a cheeseburger. As I have already said they didn’t limit the kids at all. They made suggestions and then let the kids make their creative choices. The following week they went back and glazed their creations and then the young lady from North High School took them to her pottery class to get fired in the kilns that they have at school.

The finished product, Star Wars collector's card holder.
In the following weeks they learned to utilize mixed media art, painting with watercolors, and then painting on canvas with acrylics. Each day was unique, fun, and engaging. The kids all had a blast!
Ilias' had such a great time in the class, making new friends, and learning new techniques, that has only made his craving to create stronger. If you have been thinking about signing your child up for an art class this one is a great way to find out what type of art your child may be into; in a relaxed, no pressure, no perfection atmosphere.
If you would like to sign your child up Rogue Gallery and Art Center's 'Young Artists Studio' are held at varying times throughout the year. You can register here or head to their website for more details. They also offer adult classes and other instructional courses on a regular basis just check out their website for more information.
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